Credit card balance transfers

A credit card balance transfer is the means by which the balance of an existing credit card is moved to a new credit card. The purpose is to save money with the interest-free period that credit card companies offer to new customers.

With increasing competition in the credit card industry, credit card companies are extending their interest-free periods for balance transfers. The opportunities are tremendous which is wh6y it’s important that you shop around to find the best deal for a balance transfer option for maximum savings.

To avail of balance transfer one simply has to apply for a new credit card and once the application is approved, the existing balance on an old credit card can be transferred to the new card by speaking to the new card issuer. With most credit cards offering the convenience of an online system, the balance transfer can be done on your own.

An important reminder about balance transfers is that you may only get a reduced APR if you transfer your balance immediately after applying for the new card. Credit card reports:

If you're considering a balance transfer deal, but aren't sure how to find the most suitable offer, read on. The following balance transfer article outlines exactly what a balance transfer is, how they work, what deals are available, and points to consider when transferring your balance.

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