Holiday gift giving ideas

It’s the season to be merry, not to mention traveling, decorating, holiday parties, family, friends, relatives and shopping. It’s an all too familiar scenario of flashing your credit card for every gift purchase and then dreading the day you receive your credit card statement.

Instead of splurging your hard earned money on expensive gifts that prove worthless, take some time to consider some meaningful gifts that best express how much the recipient means to you.

Avoid greeting cards and individual letters to all and sundry that take up substantial time and expense. A yearly wrap-up letter to all your friends and family can achieve the same purpose for much less. With the help of computer softwares you can design it to look attractive.

Think about each person you want to give a gift to and consider what they might be requiring at the moment or the immediate future. For example somebody starting college would appreciate a gift hamper of eatables and essentials like toiletries. For an office-goer, a fancy container with office supplies like calendars, coffee mugs, personalized pens, etc would be ideal. Credit card reports:

It's that time of year again, time for traveling, decorating, holiday parties, family, friends, relatives and of course. . . . shopping.

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