Carnival of Money, Growth & Happiness #6
Welcome to the sixth edition of the Carnival of Money, Growth & Happiness. We have received 45 posts for this edition, which is a huge number. I am sure that our readers will enjoy reading all the posts. Here are the posts in the order they were received.
Shamelle presents Top 5 Ways To Make Your Week-End Last Longer posted at Enhance Life. Most often, we wait until the week-end to ‘organize’ the week-end! What would happen if you plan it prier to the week-end? This will leave you with just waking up and executing the ‘list’ as opposed to wondering what to do!
Wenchypoo presents The Dark Side of Fuel Efficiency posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo’s Mental Wastebasket. With all the hoopla about global warming (even though it’s all unwarranted) and all the panic about the possibilities of $4.00/gallon gasoline and $120/barrel crude oil, everyone in any official capacity is screaming about improving the CAFÉ standards for vehicle gas mileage—the rest of the nervous Nellies are screaming about hybrid cars.
John Wesley presents Top 5 Ways to Build a Wonderful Life posted at Pick the Brain. There will always be temptation to forsake the future for immediate gratification. We all want to buy that new piece of technology, treat ourselves to an expensive night on the town, or take out a loan for the flashy car we can’t afford. It might feel great at the time but rash spending hurts a lot later on.
Kennubo presents Setting your price high posted at Making money by using the 80/20 principle.
Vince Cordic presents Why Do 97% of People Fail to Make Money Online posted at Vince Cordic’s Internet Marketing Tactics. It’s a sad fact that most people who set out to make a living online fail miserably. They might make a hundred dollars a month, or even more, but nowhere near enough to say goodbye to the 9-5 job. So why is this? There must be some reason that some people succeed and others fail. There is a reason, in fact there’s more then one reason.
Robinson Go of Good Blog Advice presents 8 Shrewd Ways to Optimize Google AdSense posted at Rob’s Blog: Advice for Bloggers. Very effective tips on making money online.
Jeremy Reeves presents The Power of Your Self-Image posted at The Road To A Perfect Life. The images you hold of yourself inside your head dictate what you do in life. Learn how to put your success on auto-pi